Shrimp Products

POOL SOFT (Novel solution for hardness)

POOL SOFT (Novel solution for hardness)

POOL SOFT is a superior formulation that Softness the water by normalizing alkalinity and hardness. Enhances protection and elimination of hazardous matters from heavy metals and promotes good alkalinity in pond to promote plankton growth. It helps in increasing shelf-life and minimizes stress promoting shrimp growth, survival and yield.

This EDTA formulation prevents & controls pollutions caused by unionised ammonia, iron, hydrogen Sulphide, Methane and sulphur dioxide. Converts toxic substances in the pond water into their non-toxic form and thereby provides a healthy environment


Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid, Concentrated Aluminium Dehydrated Silicate, Stabilizers of Ammonia, Toxin Binders and Ammonia Reducing Agents

  • • Softens the water in aquaculture ponds by normalizing alkalinity and hardness.
    • Increases efficiency of water quality and aquatic ecosystem
    • Effectively reduces hard shell problems in culture
    • Stimulates healthy moulting and improves moulting cycles.
    • Works effectively in of both freshwater and saline water culture.

2-3 kg per acre (Or) as directed by the Aqua consultant

Storage: Keep in a cool and dry place